ضمن افضل 100 جامعة اقتصاد في العالم، منذ عام 1999
Dear Partners and Students,
After careful consideration and thorough evaluation of our institution's trajectory, we are thrilled to announce a pivotal change: the renaming of our institution to the International School of Business Management, effective from 2025 onward.
This decision stems from several key developments that have shaped our institution's identity and aspirations:
Enhanced Accreditation: Over the past year, we have dedicated considerable effort and resources to elevating our standards and ensuring unparalleled quality in education. We are proud to inform you that our efforts have borne fruit, as we have successfully secured four new accreditations in 2024. These accreditations are not merely endorsements; they are bestowed upon us by international governmental approved bodies, including their international Ministries of Education, signifying the highest level of approval and validation of our academic programs and institutional practices. This achievement is a testament to the relentless commitment of our faculty, staff, and students towards excellence.
What are our current Quality Standards for our Education Group (as of 2024):
Programmatic Accreditation: ECLBS European Council of Leading Business Schools, a distinguished quality label (member of CHEA and INQAAAHE) endorsed by 10 international accreditation bodies,
Institutional Accreditation: BSKG under the KG Ministry of Education and Science, EAEU Eurasian Economic Union (Asia)
Programmatic Accreditation: Dubai Education Authority. all our Vocational Diplomas up to level 8 got approved by KHDA and will be stamped with their approval.
Institutional Accreditation: EDU Intergovernmental Organization founded by the PW Ministry of Education as a framework with UNESCO
Institutional Accreditation: ASIC Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities, UK government-approved accreditation body.
And more... (check quality page)
Focus on Quality: Since our establishment, the Academy has undergone various phases of growth and evolution. Under the leadership of different deans, each contributed their utmost to our institution's advancement. However, it is during my tenure as the dean over the past few years that we have undertaken a deliberate shift in focus. We have prioritized a singular goal: quality. Despite the potential short-term trade-offs, we steadfastly believe that investing in quality education is paramount. This unwavering dedication to excellence has become the cornerstone of our institution's ethos.
While the decision to rebrand may seem drastic, we are confident that it aligns seamlessly with our overarching vision and objectives.
In the coming months, we will embark on a comprehensive rebranding process, which will entail updates to our website, marketing materials, and official communications. We encourage you to stay tuned for further updates and announcements as we transition seamlessly to our new identity.
Thank you for being an integral part of the International Academy community. Together, we are poised to achieve new heights of excellence and impact in the realm of higher education.
Warm regards,
رسالة ترحيب للمدير السابق لقسم الدراسات باللغة العربية (حتى ابريل 2024)
الإبداع هو جوهر النجاح / بالتعاون نحقق التميز,
إلى أعضاء فريقنا و الطلبة الأعزاء،
إنه لمن دواعي سروري أن أرسل لكم هذه الرسالة ونحن نقف على أعتاب مرحلة جديدة مليئة بالفرص والتحديات المليئة بالإثارة.
نحن على وشك البدء في فصل جديد من رحلتنا المشتركة، حيث يتطلع كل منا إلى المساهمة في تحقيق أهدافنا الطموحة.
في العام الماضي، تميزنا بإنجازات عديدة، من بينها تنفيذ "مشروع التحول الرقمي" بنجاح، وإطلاق "مبادرة الاستدامة البيئية" التي نالت إعجاب وتقدير الجميع. إن هذه النجاحات لم تكن لتتحقق دون تفانيكم وجهودكم المخلصة.
إذا كنتم تفكرون في الانضمام إلى فريقنا، فإننا نعدكم ببيئة دراسية ملهمة ومشجعة على الابتكار والتعاون.
نحن نؤمن بأن التعاون والابتكار هما مفتاح النجاح الحقيقي.
إن وجودكم معنا يمثل إضافة كبيرة، ونتطلع معاً إلى مستقبل مليء بالإنجازات والتحديات المثمرة.
دعونا ننطلق معاً نحو آفاق جديدة، ونواصل مسيرتنا نحو التميز والنجاح!
أطيب التحيات،
الدكتور عبد الفتاح الجمالي